Case Study

How Vodafone automated all information extraction

With four people spending 12 hours a day just looking for details of queries, Vodafone needed to find a more efficient solution. And he did.


Vodafone Portugal

"More than 60 hours saved per week. We're extremely satisfied."

Mafalda Alves Dias - Head of Large Business & Public Sector


Vodafone faced a significant challenge in its daily routine: evaluating public tenders. Four people spent 12 hours a day consulting the Diário da República, opening PDFs and extracting information from restricted platforms.

The pressure to ensure constant and accurate updating was immense, and the intensive workload was affecting the team's efficiency, which was also reflected in the other steps of the sales process.

Key tools

  • Gov360 search engine
  • Opportunity Qualification - Qualif.AI
  • Team collaboration

GovWise not only optimized our processes, but also allowed us to allocate resources to other strategic initiatives. We are extremely pleased with the results.

Mafalda Alves Dias Head of Large Business & Public Sector


The solution to this challenge came with GovWise, which completely revolutionized the process.

By automating the extraction and identification of information from public tenders
Vodafone experienced an immediate transformation.

Connections were updated at least every 15 minutes, ensuring continuous coverage and eliminating the need for constant manual monitoring.


This change not only eliminated the intensive workload, but also allowed Vodafone to gain efficiency and save 12 hours of work a day, 60 hours a week, more than 2,500 hours if we calculate an entire year.

The turnaround made possible by GovWise search and query qualification solutions has redefined Vodafone's approach to dealing with public tenders, making the process not only more efficient, but also more agile, making it possible to respond to more opportunities, with much less effort.

hours saved per week

"A gain in efficiency that we didn't even know could be achieved so quickly"

Mafalda Alves Dias - Head of Large Business & Public Sector

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